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Nature Connection using the 8 Shields Medicine Wheel

Nature Connection using the 8 Shields Medicine Wheel

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Photographs assembled by Jon Young of many of the elders and mentors who have inspired and guided the 8 Shields movement: top from left, members of the San tribes of the Kalahari with whom the movement has worked extensively, Gilbert Walking Bull , then seated side by side, Jon Young, Ingwe, Jake Swamp, on the right, Sal Glencarelle, one of the associates of the 8 Shields movement, and his mentor…

Following the seasonal wheel of the year, we will explore the deep nature connection practices associated with that direction. Deep nature connection practices are different pathways within ourselves that when activated create experiences of not only physically connecting but also emotionally connecting to the world around us and ourselves.

Do you long to live your life in tune with nature, to be in rhythm with the seasons and to open all your senses to the other than human world? The 8 Shields is an eight direction medicine wheel, with each direction being referred to as a Shield for how it holds many different embodiments of the energy of that direction. These life maps have been used by earth-based cultures all around the world since time immemorial but have largely been forgotten in the modern era. With the seasons and cycles of the day as the foundation, they show us how to understand the patterns and energies of the natural world, how they are expressed through us as human beings, and how they teach us to be in the right relationship with all of life. bringingithome

We will meet in a beautiful open roundhouse in woodland near Penne d’Agenais. People are welcome to join at any time throughout the year and benefit from the support of the circle as well as the tools to work with during that particular season/direction.

Spring Equinox Time: Monday 17th April

Lunar Beltane Time: Monday 22nd May  

Summer Solstice Time: Monday 26th June

Lughnasadh: Monday 28th August

Autumn Equinox Time: Monday 25th September

Samhain/Halloween: Monday 6th November Time

Winter Solstice Time: Monday 18th December

Imbolc Time: Monday 12th February

Starting at 11am and finishing at 1pm

Cost: Pay by the heart (Donation)

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